Our family pet is always there for us. But how are they holding up during the pandemic? Assemblywomen Petrie-Norris will hold a virtual town hall with special guest Ashlee Sprague of Priceless Pets. They will share what our furry friends of the community are facing and address questions to include:
How we can support animal rescues now.
How we can foster or adopt while social distancing.
How we best care for our furry friends during COVID-19.
You will also meet residents of Priceless Pets up for adoption.
Our family pet is always there for us. But how are they holding up during the pandemic? Assemblywomen Petrie-Norris will hold a virtual town hall with special guest Ashlee Sprague of Priceless Pets. They will share what our furry friends of the community are facing and address questions to include:
You will also meet residents of Priceless Pets up for adoption.