Register here to virtually join House Members and Senators for a Clean Energy, Climate and Democracy Speaker Series (Virtual) – FREE. Hear in real time what Democrats are doing to counter Trump’s Actions and about the 2026 Election Outlook.
First Event: February 19 4:00 – 5:00pm
California Congressmen Mike Levin (CA-49), Derek Tran (CA-45)
February 19 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Register here to virtually join House Members and Senators for a Clean Energy, Climate and Democracy Speaker Series (Virtual) – FREE. Hear in real time what Democrats are doing to counter Trump’s Actions and about the 2026 Election Outlook.
First Event: February 19 4:00 – 5:00pm
California Congressmen Mike Levin (CA-49), Derek Tran (CA-45)
and George Whitesides (CA-27).